There were so many bugs over the Christmas holidays and the turn of the year, along with our media preparations for the CES 2025 in Las Vegas: the flood of issues and error reports unfortunately prevented us from publishing all incidents in real time. Nevertheless, no report is ever lost […]
Las Vegas – Once again in 2025, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has proven why it is regarded as one of the world’s most influential tech expos. For me, Aaron from BlackOmegaVirus, it was my first time attending as an officially accredited tech-media journalist—a thrilling debut that not only granted […]
On January 24, 2025, a Dresden-based IT entrepreneur and Deutsche Telekom business customer reported ongoing issues with in-store support and the Telekom Business Customer Hotline. In detailed documentation, the customer describes two abruptly ended phone calls, missing contact-person information, and difficulties with identity verification. Challenges at the Telekom Shop: […]
I’m excited to attend #CES2025 from January 7–10, the world’s most influential tech event and a true proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. As a media member, I’ll be reporting live from Las Vegas, exploring cutting-edge solutions and sharing insights from top industry players. Stay tuned for in-depth […]
Die Vorweihnachtszeit bietet traditionell Gelegenheit, innezuhalten und das vergangene Jahr reflektierend zu betrachten. Das Jahr 2024 war geprägt von spannenden Ereignissen, einzigartigen Momenten, intensiver Arbeit und einem stetigen Wandel, der uns auf vielfältige Weise gefordert und inspiriert hat. Gleichzeitig liegt noch vieles vor uns, das es zu gestalten gilt […]
As the holiday season approaches, many of us will be traveling more—whether by train, plane, or car—and looking for convenient ways to keep our smartphones, tablets, and laptops powered up. It’s becoming increasingly common to find USB charging ports on trains, in hotels, and even on some airplanes. While […]
On the international rail line between Paris and Frankfurt, significant booking problems are disadvantaging consumers. On 30/11/2024, it was revealed that for the travel date of 13/12/2024, the 17:09 train from Paris to Frankfurt in 2nd class is not bookable via the French national company SNCF. However, both regular DB […]
Böblingen, November 28, 2024 – A passenger in Böblingen faced a series of hurdles Thursday morning while attempting to order a taxi. Despite multiple attempts using various platforms, significant delays and communication issues ensued. At 8:50 AM, the passenger began trying to secure a taxi to his destination. Initially, he […]
In an era where digital technologies dominate our daily lives and paper is increasingly disappearing from offices, many people yearn for a touch of creativity and humanity. Imagine sitting at your desk, surrounded by screens and keyboards, when your gaze falls upon something special: a paperclip shaped like a […]
In der vergangenen Woche häuften sich technische Schwierigkeiten in verschiedenen Bereichen des Alltags, die von Bahnreisen über Smartphone-Nutzung bis hin zu digitalen Dienstleistungen reichten. Wir fassen die wichtigsten Ereignisse zusammen. Defekte Infrastruktur bei der Deutschen Bahn Am 11. November 2024 sorgten defekte Fahrstühle am Bahnhof Dresden Neustadt für […]
In der vergangenen Woche häuften sich Berichte über technische Schwierigkeiten und mangelhaften Kundenservice bei mehreren renommierten Unternehmen. Die Erfahrungen reichen von Softwarefehlern bei Apple über defekte Geräte bei McDonald’s bis hin zu verwirrenden Zahlungsprozessen bei Vodafone. Apple: Softwarefehler beeinträchtigen Nutzererlebnis Apple-Nutzer standen vor diversen Herausforderungen:•Notizen-App: Es war nicht möglich, Fotos […]
An IT entrepreneur based in Dresden, Germany is facing an urgent challenge: He requires a functioning eSIM as soon as possible for a significant client meeting scheduled on November 11, 2024, in Kiel, Germany. On November 8, 2024, at 4:20 PM, he contacted the Germany branch of Deutsche Telekom’s business […]
Update: Celebration – Finally Arrived – The iPhone 16 Pro Max 1TB is Here After a series of challenges and delayed delivery times, the iPhone 16 Pro Max with 1 TB ( ) of storage successfully arrived on October 30th. This means the originally stated delivery window of October 24th to […]