In the week from December 16 to 22, 2024, numerous disruptions and irregularities occurred around Apple devices and various third-party services. Once again, it became evident that even in a highly digitalized world, supposedly mature features can fail or behave unpredictably. Apple Ecosystem Under Pressure Right at the beginning […]
FaceTime Bug
3 Beiträge
Over the past week, numerous technical glitches and shortcomings have accumulated, impacting the digital everyday life of many users. From loud Siri notifications to faulty app functions and insufficient infrastructure in German cities – the list of disruptive factors was long once again. Apple Ecosystem Under Pressure As early as […]
In der vergangenen Woche häuften sich zahlreiche technische Pannen und Unzulänglichkeiten, die den digitalen Alltag vieler Nutzer beeinträchtigten. Von lauten Siri-Benachrichtigungen über fehlerhafte App-Funktionen bis hin zu mangelnder Infrastruktur in deutschen Städten – die Liste der Störfaktoren war erneut lang. Apple-Ökosystem unter Druck Bereits am 3. Dezember meldeten Nutzer ein […]